Trips: Why Did We Go So Early?

Friday, we had three FATC fish together at Montauk. It was a hot and challenging day. But, with persistence, we had a strong finish. The team consisted of Bill Byington, Jim Craig and the “Sensei of Montauk”, Sid Aslin. All morning we struggled to figure out whether the fish were feeding high or low and what fly would do the job. Because there were not many people on the river, we could fish together most of the day. The few fish that were hooked in the morning came on everything from a small yellow sally to midges on the bottom. The morning bite was SLOW! By lunchtime, the heat was on. Sid and Bill were the smart ones based on their choice to wet wade. We fueled up at lunch and then returned to the river until 4:15. By late afternoon, we zeroed in on what the fish wanted. A size 20 black soft hackle, scuds, chocolate covred cherries, and rudy 2s brought many fish to the net. All in all, it was a satisfying day. We had great fellowship in the car and on the river, netted some fish, and had a very good BBQ good dinner at the new restaurant we found just south of Licking, Olig’s. “


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