Trips: What? Are We Nuts? Yes!!

On a day that was predicted to have cold rain, sleet and snow with temperatures dropping to below freezing, what do we decide to do? Go Fishing!! Brian Yost, Al Blair, Dave Beerbower and Kenny Klimes made the Veteran’s day trip to Maramec Spring park for a little fishing.  They decided on Maramec Spring park because it was closer to home in case the “forecast” was correct (and it was).

The guys arrived in the park around 7:30am and just happened to be the only fly fishers there (go figure).  They spread out but didn’t travel very far as they fished just the first section of the park. Some went to the fast water and some to the slow water, but one thing was the same – the catching. The rainbows and a few browns cooperated all morning.  The guys all chose different flies to try (plus they didn’t want to change too often because it was freezing).  Leech patterns, woolybuggers, cracklebacks, X-caddis and soft hackles all did very well early.  Then the rain came. The guys continued to catch fish. Then the sleet came. The guys continued to catch fish.

With fingertips frozen the guys decided to stop to warm up and have lunch – well, except for Al. He basically said I’m catching fish and I ain’t moving.  Ok, Kenny, Dave and Brian will warm up while Al warmed up by catching fish.

In the afternoon Kenny found the golden ticket as he started swinging size 20 Barr’s emergers when he noticed the rainbows were suspended downstream. Tiny flies = big fish. He lost a few flies but nothing he can’t remedy when he gets home to his tying bench. The fish were “whacking” them. Then the snow came and the wind. It was time to call Uncle. The day was done by 1:45pm – time to eat another lunch (anything hot). One of the few places open was the Mexican restaurant El Nopal. Cold margaritas – sure. Hot Mexican food – sure. Severe cold day and great day catching day. It was memorable.

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