Trips: Wednesday Escape to Montauk

UNDERWATER VIDEOS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THIS TRIP.   The escape was a success! On September 18, 2019, we met in Eureka at our usual time and place.   However, one thing was different–it was still dark!  Yes, the seasons are a changing.  Nevertheless, inmates (fisherman) Bill Byington, Bob Beckett (newly retired), Vernon Preston, Jim Craig, Martin Jones, Dave Beerbower, Ron Berger, and Don Varner were ready to make a run for it.

By the time we arrived, the sun was up and the temperature was rising.  Several guys chose to wet wade.  I have to admit, that looked pretty tempting to the rest of us.  But, once we got into the water and stayed in the shade, it was a reasonably comfortable day despite the late summer heat.

In fact, shade was also the key for fishing success.  During the morning, the guys that caught the most fish were targeting shaded areas and putting their flies right next to the bank.  They had a ball catching fish on cracklebacks, elk hair caddis, beetles, and ants.  The rest of us took fewer fish on pheasant tail nymphs, cerise worms, woolly buggers, and soft hackles.  The fish were focused on sipping flies in or just under the surface film.

At lunch we swapped stories of productive tactics, so everyone was well equipped to catch fish in the afternoon.  But, the fish were less enthusiastic than in the morning.  Still, with a little perseverance we landed some nice fish and it picked up as the evening approached.  For a while there, they couldn’t get enough ants and beetles. Then they turned their interest to mohair leeches, soft hackles, and a variety of other flies.

Finishing up at five o’clock, we headed for Missouri Pizza in St. James.  We arrived hungry and left stuffed.  Some of us found that our eyes were bigger than our stomachs, just sayin’.  That is usually a bad thing, but not with pizza.  Left overs were boxed up coveted for a future meal.  All in all, it was a great late summer day on the water with a bunch of great guys.  I hope you can join us for the next Great Escape!

One Response

  • Jim,
    Thanks for planning a great trip. Was a really good group of guys to fish with and we had very good weather to boot.
    Looking forward to our next trip as the weather cools off.

    Bob Beckett

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