Trips: Wednesday at Montauk

On Wednesday, March 27, Harold Bates, Bob Palisch, Don Varner, and Bob Hassett met at the Eureka
Commuter lot for a trip to Montauk.
Previously, on Monday March 25, there had been 3 inches of rain with the gage hitting 4ft. Brian Ellis
sent a picture of the dam and water color Tuesday afternoon, so we made a go of it.
Upon arrival, the water was dingy and up maybe 6-8 inches. The weather turned out great after a cool
Fishing was a little slow. Harold finally said “Go Big and Gaudy”, after we had tried LWT, HOP, Midges,
and caddis emergers. There after, it seemed like cerise worms, Y2K’s, Eggs, Big Hurts were more
productive. For the day, the group netted 38 fish.
The Boulder Hole has been cleared out and the tree is gone, thanks to the rain.
The fellowship dinner was at American Taco and Don “GPS” Varner navigated us through the inner city of
Rolla to get there.

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