Trips: We Need Rain

No one likes to have their plans stopped by rain showers, but we do need rain here in Missouri. Our lawns need it, and our rivers need it too. We planned a fishing trip this past Friday to the Current River with the expectations that Storm Francine could make it a raining day for us. It didn’t. A few sprinklers on the drive down and the fishing day was cloudy but no rain. Why do I say we need rain? Well, it’s mostly for my fly-fishing pleasure. The rivers are clear and low making the fish spooky. If the rains do come, I will be the first on the rivers.

Denny Garner, Glenn Haake, Bill Byington, Jim Craig, and I (Kenny Klimes) decided we would fish the Current River area on this day of “predicted” rain. Bill and Denny went to Montauk State Park to fish while Glenn, Jim and I decided to give the Current River a go – first at Baptist Camp and then at Tan Vat. I love fishing on cloudy days vice sunny days – it’s simply better fishing. Bill and Denny did ok in the park as each caught about 4-5 fish. Of course, not a momentous day for park fishing but it was tough due to the low, gin clear water. Bill did well on dry flies in the morning while Denny did good on nymphs in the afternoon. Bill used tiny dry flies like Griffith’s gnats and Matt’s midges (no, not related in any way, shape, or form to Matt McClure). Very impressive to catch trout on small dry flies since many of us find it difficult to do in our area. I think Bill is turning into a dry fly snob.

Jim, Glenn, and I fished the Baptist Camp area in the morning. Glenn and I went downstream (took the secret trail) while Jim fished slightly downstream from the parking lot. Only a few fish were caught – some rainbows and some brown trout. I had the misfortune of connecting with two BIG fish that broke me off each time. I think they were browns but not sure. I was Euro-nymphing at the time. The first made two long runs and on the third run my 6x tippet gave out. So, I loosened my drag slightly and continued to fish. Bam, another big fish grabbed my fly. Again, a long run but this time he headed for a root wad, and I had only one choice to stop him – snap – the tippet broke again. It happens!

After lunch, Jim, Glenn, and I fished Tan Vat. A few fish caught there but nothing as it should be. Saw fish but didn’t catch fish. If the water is gin clear and low, you got to be STEALTHY. Nothing else to say. If we get some rain, then get out there and give it a go. Check the FATC calendar for trips. AND if you are planning a trip, put it on the calendar to invite others. Dinner was at the Sirloin Stockade in Rolla – oh no, does Jim have a new favorite place to eat???

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