Trips: Try Out Those New Waders and Boots

Try Out Those New Waders and Boots

On Tuesday, May 17th, Bob Hassett, Harold Bates, Ken Welter, Sid Aslin, Denny Garner, and Ed Ouimette met at the commuter lot for a trip to Montauk State Park.  Ken wanted to try out his new waders and boots.  The rest of us wanted to go along.

The park was relatively uncrowded.  The water was fairly clear and about normal height (2.09 gage) and flow (200 cu ft/sec). 

After everyone suited up, we headed to the water about nine.  We met back at the Staggenborg tables at noon for lunch.  Following lunch and a strategy session, we all headed back out.

Sid took honors for the day with six fish on woolybuggers that were black, ginger and a third color.

Ken’s new boots and waders worked great, and he netted two on red midges.

Denny picked up two, one on an egg and one on a green and yellow woolybugger.

Bob netted four, two on House of Payne and two on a purple midge.

Ed worked on his high sticking, mending, and trying to woo the fish with his Carolina accent.  He has all three down very well.  In the afternoon, he got four bona fide strikes, all on his own.  Well done!

Dinner and fellowship were at the American Taco in Rolla.

All had a fun time.

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