Trout, Grads and Spuds!
Ten FATC fly fishers fished the Current river this past Friday to help graduate two new fly fishers into the fellowship. Matt Crismor and Jake Bopp completed heir graduation from the spring 2019 fly fishing class with flying colors!  Bill Lowry, Miles Meyer, Don Varner, Scott Dougherty, Sid Aslin, a mystery guest joined Kenny Klimes and Jim Craig to graduate Matt and Jake at Montauk state park. The guys all gathered at 6:15am and drove the over two-hour trip to Montauk. The conversations in all three cars made the trip short and when they arrived the weather was awesome and the water cold.
Kenny and Jim took Matt and Jake out for their first time on the water with the fly rod and hunting for trout. Matt and Jake knew their stuff and started catching trout right off the bat. With some rising trout in the area, soft hackles were fished first with great success. Then the guys practiced a little stripping technique using small woolybuggers and again, the fish cooperated. Just before lunch Matt and Jake tried their hand at dead drifting and high sticking flies. With graduation completed before lunch Kenny and Jim decided to fish from the top of the spring down to show Matt and Jake the fly fishing only area.
The rest of the gang fished throughout the park and caught fish with various flies. In the afternoon everyone went in different directions. Bill and our mystery guest fished Baptist Camp area and did well. They said the waters are truly beautiful there right now and the fish are willing. Miles, Sid, Don and Scott worked the park for the rest of the day.
The weather was perfect most of the day except for a short 25-minute rain dump that chased everyone out of the waters except for us. When it stopped, we had the river to ourselves. It was a fun day for all as Matt and Jake got to meet others in the FATC. Of course, our NEW tradition with the new graduates continues as we ate our fellowship dinner at Hick BBQ in Cuba. The new Grads (and a couple that haven’t partaken yet) ordered and tried to eat the famous Ory’s Spud. They are good but hard to finish (see the pictures). Welcome to Matt and Jake!!!
Oh, almost forgot! The Mystery Man grew up in Springfield and said he was in a river that ran through it!? Can you guess?