Trips, Trips, Trips

Lots of trips happened this week.

Chris Pham spent time on the Meramec this past weekend and did well.

Jim Franke and Craig Dull got some pointers at Montauk from Kenny Klimes to get ready for their trip to Colorado. They will be fishing the South Platte in Colorado and we are looking forward to finding out about their trip when they return. The three worked on pin-point dead drifting techniques along with how to keep a big fish on the line. The fishing was good overall but for a Thursday the park was more crowded than normal. Mostly nymphs and midge larva were used but several fish were caught on dry flies.

As the guys headed to lunch they ran into none other than Sid Aslin who was down fishing Montauk over the weekend. Sid had a good weekend of fishing, when I asked Sid if he took any pictures, this is what he said.  “No pictures as I have already ruined 2 phones at montauk so I leave it in the car! I did well yesterday using a brown crackleback. I finally caught on to your many attempts at trying to coach me.  Dead drifting with a little slack and in fact caught 2 while just chatting with somebody and not really paying attention.  Imagine that?  LOL.  I had 3 fantastic days on the water and stayed dry in my tent.  It is amazing though the difference fishing on a Friday when the weekend people are arriving as opposed to during the week. I spoke to Jim Franke this morning and he said he enjoyed fishing with you Thursday”

Well, there you have it. A lot of guys are fishing now that the weather is getting cooler. Want to fish with someone? Put a trip on the calendar and you WILL get guys to respond. Use our FATC calendar – not sure how it works just ask…..

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