Trips: The Truth is – I Didn’t Push Him In!

Trips:  The Truth is – I DIDN’T Push Him

Another graduation took place this past Tuesday (April 26th) at Montauk State Park from the 2022 winter fly fishing class. Boy, that class is humming right along and could end up with the best graduation rate of all classes. This day eight FATC members joined Ken Welter on his graduation trip. Dan Staggenborg, Al Harper, Scott Payne, Harold Bates, Vernon Preston, Denny Garner, and Bob Hassett joined Kenny Klimes in celebrating Ken Welter’s graduation. The group all met up at the naturalist’s cabin in Montauk, greeted Ken and told him to mend whenever he could.

Ken was ready as Kenny walked him to the beginning spot on the river and quizzed him all the way down the trail. Ken was eager to get into the water, but the Sensei noticed his boots were made of canvas!?!? Ken said he bought them at the FATC Swap meet and after today he just might be looking for the guy who sold the boots to him. Kenny just warned him to be careful because those boots would not provide particularly good ankle support – and they were on their way to the river. The two fished downstream from the boulder in the morning, practiced casting, stripping flies, swinging flies and some dead drifting (to include a little high sticking). Well, then it happened! I am not sure if he didn’t mend properly or what, but I don’t remember smacking him in the back of the head. The next thing Ken was swimming and swimming and swimming. Once up right Ken wanted to keep fishing – a true FATC fly fisher – but when he started shaking, we decided to head up to lunch about 30 minutes early.

Of course, the rest of the gang appeared for lunch, and seeing Ken getting out of his wet clothes all “knew” that I had pushed him in. Not true – at least I don’t exactly remember. Ken stuck up for me and said that I did not, but I think it was because he had the rest of the afternoon with me. Everyone came back with stories of fish caught and what flies they tried. Scott used his House of Payne fly to success and told us the “recipe,” but it didn’t matter. He revealed that the tail of the fly is from his wife’s hair. I don’t think we will get any of that soon – if his wife has anything to say about it. We did tell him we were all going to show up at his house with scissors. Bob Hassett wrote a nice Forum piece on our website on lessons learned from the trip – insightful. After a good lunch and of course, loads of laughs we headed by out to the river to fish until 5pm.

Kenny took Ken up to the beginning of the Current River to work on his first fish which he caught right away. It was a good feeling for Ken since he didn’t want to be remembered as the guy Kenny pushed in – and “I didn’t push him in!”  Ken had a good day in the afternoon – no swimming – and about six trout in the net! I think he is going to go home and throw those boots as far as he can. And the FATC member who sold him the boots – stay in hiding!

We all hit the Mexican restaurant in Salem and made it home to get ready for the next trip. The park was NOT crowded. Yes, it was a Tuesday but soon (mid-May) the campers and vacationers will be there in full force. Think about learning to fish outside the park for the summer. It’s a little tougher but rewarding. Tight lines!!!

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