Trips: The Prince of Piney??

Four FATC brothers, Sid Aslin, Steve Baker, Miles Meyer, and Bill Lowry, headed to the Little Piney Thursday to test their skills on wild trout. The weather was threatening in the morning so rain gear was donned as we headed to the water.
All proved their skill by netting nice trout with Sid leading the group by landing seven fish and one crawfish. Flies included cerise worn, olive wooly bugger, the Sid’s secret fly (we don’t know the name but it works).
Miles and Bill fished the Little Piney for the first time after hearing glowing reviews. The reports were correct. The Little Piney is a scenic river and the four of us were the only ones on the water.
We celebrated our success with a fellowship dinner at Missouri Hicks. The hope was to meet the Montauk group of eight for dinner but they hadn’t left Montauk by the time we arrived at the restaurant.
I understand Sid no longer wants to be known as the Mayor of Montauk but NOW the Prince of Piney!!

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