Trips: The Fisherman’s Trifecta

The Fisherman’s Trifecta, by Jim Craig

That’s the best way to describe our day at Montauk:  Blue Skies, Great Guys, and Good Fishing.  

Friday morning, Sept 23, was the perfect day.  Steve Baker, Dave Broder, Bill Byington, Jim Craig, Jason Edwards, Jeff Nagle, Charlie Trankler, Bob Wilson, Don Williams, Don Varner, and Rick Zychinski converged on Montauk State Park.  Some car pooled, some were solo drivers, and some were already there, as this was one day of a multi-day trip for them.  Many of us commented that it had been too long since our last fishing adventure.  The guys were eager for fellowship and fishing.

As usual, we geared-up in front of the Naturalist Cabin about 8:45 AM.  After a group picture, everyone headed to their favorite morning fishing spots.  There was a strong mayfly hatch in progress….that’s always a good thing.

Several guys teamed up.  Jeff and I headed for Walter’s Stretch, hoping to avoid the crowd that is usually found at the top of the river in the morning.  On our way, we ran into Bob Wilson and Don Williams who had camped at the park and were on at least their second day.  They had had a good morning, but had to leave for home when we saw them.   Heading on to Walter’s Stretch, we got side tracked again when we saw our very own Charlie Trankler fishing the spot known as the Power Lines all by himself.  Having the hole to ourselves, we jumped right in with Charlie.  Well, at least I did.  Jeff, being the more considerate and cautious type, felt like he would be crowding us, so he fished a little way up stream.  It wasn’t long before Jeff had his first fish on a crackleback.  Jim and Charlie started catching too with wooly buggers and midges.  Jeff and I worked our way down to Walter’s Stretch before lunch.

There were lots of smiles at noon when we met for lunch.  Guys were catching, it wasn’t too crowded (for Montauk) and the weather was awesome.  Lunch didn’t take long as everyone was eager to get back to the fish.

Commercial Interruption:  As you should know by now, November 18-22 FATC is hosting the Altar Fly Fishing (AFF) trip, “Soul of a Pastor.”  This is an extended weekend where AFF provides programing, including fly fishing, designed to nurture pastors who may be dealing with the threats of burnout and exhaustion.  Please save these dates on your calendars!  We will soon be asking for and needing your help that weekend for guiding and meal preparation.

The afternoon seemed to be a reflection of the morning.  Guys described good fishing, but sort of streaky.  There would be periods of fast catching, then everything turned off, then back on again.  All in all, lots of fish were caught from the spring to the boulder. What worked?  A better question is, “What didn’t work?”  Guys did well on black zebra midges, orange perdigons, white crane fly larva, wooly buggers, cracklebacks, soft hackles, a variety of emerges, and dries such as elk hair caddis.  Everyone seemed to do well with their personal confidence flies. 

Some guys had to leave early and some guys stayed to camp, but four of us enjoyed a great fellowship meal at Arandas Mexican Restaurant in Salem.  Their margheritas looked awesome, but I was driving.  Bill was certainly happy with his. 

How long has it been since you’ve been on the river?  Give yourself a break and jump on the next trip.  Watch your emails for the next trip announcement.

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