I should have called this the Goldilocks report. We had more guys on the trip but when they heard it would be 95 degrees it was too hot. Wait until we get into winter then it will be too cold. But what they didn’t know was that the seven guys that went on the trip had an awesome time. Standing in the cool water in the shade made for a perfect day. Next time don’t snooze – you’ll lose!
Kenny planned the trip with Harold Bates, Bob Hassett, Dan Staggenborg, Don Varner, Vernon Preston and Steve Baker all attending. We met as usual around 8:30am and got our “war” gear on to do battle with the trout. The park is still crowded so keep an eye on November 11th when the catch and release season starts – it will thin out. But most people camping in the park finished fishing before noon so they can take their afternoon nap.
Everyone decided to fish in the park except Harold and Kenny. Kenny was offering a “free” euro-nymphing “class” outside the park and Harold jumped on it. Harold just bought his new ESN (European Style Nymphing) rig and wanted to test it out. They went below the cable which has been fishing exceptionally good as of late with browns getting a little more aggressive. There was a small BWO hatch which didn’t last too long but did turn the trout on a little. Harold and Kenny got into some nice fish right off in the morning and Harold caught his first Brown trout ever. His excitement made me smile! They fished until the first 90-degree bend and headed back for lunch to meet the rest of the gang. They all said they were doing ok on various flies. Sorry no pictures from them as they were too busy fishing than taking pictures. When you go out at least take a few pictures for the site
Harold made the mistake of saying he has never been to Tan Vat so after lunch off they went. Kenny had to ask one guy there to “change” his way of fishing as he was using real worms to catch fish. Bye, Bye!! Kenny got into some nice browns and Harold learned more about ESN. I think he likes it. They fished far down stream and met up at the parking lot when Harold and Kenny got split up somehow (Kenny took the trail and Harold walked along the stream bed).
Everyone met up at the Stag tables around 4:30pm and went their separate ways. Some drove home and had fellowship dinner, and some stayed for another night. I said the browns are back. Beautiful “butter belly” browns seem to be deep but very catchable now. The last two times on the current river we did well hunting the browns. Now is the time to get out there – no excuses. Check the FATC calendar and join a trip!
Congrats Harold. Looking forward to catching one myself.