Trips: Taneycomo Campers Call an Audible

The 2018 “Taneycomo” camping trip went off great, but not after a few twists and turns. After an initial response from 18 guys(that’s a lot), 8 campers, Mike Bisaga, Dave Komor, Mike Chambers, Sid Aslin, Jeff Layton, Al Angiocchi, Hai Write and Chris Pham were the final confirmed group.

As we watched the rain fail a couple weeks prior, we began wondering if this trip was going to happen. Over the last 6 years, we are about 50% successful with optimal fishing conditions at TC due to water levels. The last few weeks looked very familiar. As the date approached, we kept watching, and researching and praying that this would be a good year.
The time came, and we had to make a decision. Since we are more flexible and mobile that the condo group, on Wed, we decided to call an audible, and change locations. We decided to head to Bennett Springs.

Mike, Mike, Sid and Al headed down to Bennett on Thursday morning, and the rest of the group joined us Friday.
Campground was not crowded and allowed us plenty of space to spread out. The Thursday group was set up, and on the water by 2pm to see how the spring was fishing. Several of us headed to zone 1 by the spring. Unlike the campground, the stream WAS CROWDED. There were people EVERYWHERE. On top of that, fishing was tough, as we didn’t see a whole lot of people catching. Even with that, the FATC guys managed to get a few to the net. As it started to get dark, we headed back to camp for a campfire and dinner. Mike B had brought and pile of venison brats which we cooked over roaring campfire and smothered with sauerkraut. We always eat good.

Friday morning, gluttons for punishment, the group again headed out to fish in the park until lunch. Fishing again was a bit slow and crowded, but again, we managed to get a few in the net. After lunch, we decided to change things up and fish outside the park on the Niangua River. How did we know where to go you may ask? Well, Sid being Sid, met a new “friend” in the campground. His new friend fishes the area regularly and offered to take us to a “locals” spot. After about a 20 minute drive, several dirt roads, and a little wondering of what this new “friend” had in mind for us, we eventually arrived back on the river about 7 miles downstream of the park. Here, it was peaceful and the group caught quite a variety of fish. I would say probably the biggest variety of any trip. On this part of the river, Sid, Jeff, Dave and Mike Bisaga hooked into a few browns. Also caught were google-eye(Chambers), rainbow(Jeff, Chambers and Bisaga) Chubb(pretty much everyone) and a smallmouth(Bisaga). In fact, Bisaga came home with the Niangua Quadfecta (Brown, Rainbow, Smallie, Chubb) this day.

Fishing outside the park proved to be the way to go. Best part…NO CROWDS. Just us.
After a peaceful afternoon of fishing, the group headed out to dinner at the Gravel Bar. It was all you eat catfish night, woohoo. Several of the guys ate an embarrassing amount of catfish, but who’s judging. Friday ended with another fellowship campfire where stories were exchanged of our fishing adventures of the day.

Saturday was a bit colder and we were a little slower getting up and about. Al had a friend come up from the Branson area to fish with him, and they fished the day in the park. Mike, Mike, Dave and Jeff headed to the lodge for breakfast to plan the days activities. Hai and Chris had brought a Kayak, so after fishing a little in the park in the morning, they decided to test their boating skills and head out to the river in the afternoon. They caught a few bluegill upstream from the spring…add one more to the variety of fish caught.

After breaksfast, Mike, Mike, Dave and Jeff decided to skip the park and headed back to the Niangua where they were the previous day. Fishing was a bit slower on Sat, but again, very peaceful. The group had a few god fish on the line, but could not get them to net.  Chamber caught a sucker early on with a Cranefly(mop), but that was about it for a while and mixed success through the day for all. No real fish. As we were heading back to the car, Bisaga decided to try a spot he had focused on the day before. There were fish, but nothing would take on Friday. After drifting a crackleback through this hole a few times, something finally took. Turned out to be a 16+” brown. Definitely his fish of the trip.

Back at camp on Sat evening was our community dinner where everybody brings something to share, and we eat until we can eat no more. Jeff brought the main dish, which appeared to be about 12 lbs, of venison backstraps(a campers tradition). Hai cooked up some pork-belly BBQ over the fire, Bisaga made what we now call “Bob’s Potatoes” in memory of our lost FATC camper Bob Chott. Also, beans, salads, wine and all kinds of other stuff provided by the others. This was by far, the biggest feast we have ever had. Did I mention, we always eat good on these trips.

Sunday morning Jeff and Sid headed into Zone 1 to try again. They had some success with a few keepers before heading home.

Firsts of the trip:
Biggest camping group ever(8)
4 new campers this year(Al, Jeff, Hai and Chris)
Biggest variety of fish ever caught on a trip(Brown, Rainbow, Google-eye, Small Mouth, Chubb, Sucker, Bluegill)
First time fishing on the Niangua for most of us
First awarding of “Skunky:The Underachieving Trout”(see pictures)

Flys of the trip:
Wooly Buggers in a variety of colors but mainly black and brown
Orange Soft Hackles
Various Zerba Midges

Join us on our next camping trip.  You will have a great time.


One Response

  • Sounds like you had a Manhattan of a good time! Sorry I missed it! I’ll be back with the campers next year. I will bring a new addictive tasty treat called Jim Craig’s “CRACK”, it will be a good pairing with “Bob’s Potatoes”, “Backstraps”, washed down with “Manhattans”. Life doesn’t get any better. I’m looking forward to the camping group trip next year! It’s one of the best Fellowship time of the year! Don’t let the Condo group know this.?

    Mike O.

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