Trips: Taking Advantage of a Given Opportunity!


After checking out the FATC team up calendar and seeing the first trip of the New Year posted for a graduation trip on Saturday January 7th, my first inclination was to sign up for the trip. I then recalled a conversation with Don Varner about planning a combination trip to Bennett Spring and Montauk with an overnight at one or the other parks. I posted the trip on team up and before I new it there were a number of FATC guys with Bennett envy that wanted to join in. OH YEAH! the trip was on.

We made arrangements for those interested and came up with 5 going. Bob Hassett and Al Harper decided to drive together from Al’s house in Washington Mo. and Vernon Preston and Steve Baker would meet at Don Varner’s house and car pool from there. We got lucky with the overnight accommodations after learning that the FATC cabin was closed up for the winter and the Montauk cabins were unavailable. I received an email from John Wienstroer who is the graduate for Saturday’s trip, along with Bill Keenum, his father in law, that they were able to reserve a cabin at Montauk that would sleep 6. We jump at there offer to share and our overnight accommodations were set except for Bob Hassatt. He was able to secure a lodge room. We were good to go. In the mean time I received a text from Will Black, and another one from Sid and Tim Klotz that they would meet us at Bennett. I also heard from Scott Payne that he would be joining us. He ended up driving himself and was the first at the park which means he was the first in the water and you guessed it. He had a half dozen fish before we got our boots wet.

We all got suited up and ready to fish and were thankful that there were very few people at the park fishing. The temps were in the mid 20’s, the water level was up a bit and a little off color but I think that swung the advantage in our favor.

The mornings fishing had us spread out from the spring down to the spillway with all of us having luck with various flies. Barr’s emergers, cracklebacks, egg patterns, streamers and of course the infamous HOP, and less we forget the fly not to be mentioned, the fabulous Crain fly larva or newly nicknamed the CFL. At lunch we shared our success stories and learned that like the weather the day was turning out quite well although the number of fisherman had increased quite bit. After a hurried lunch we got back to fishing and continued having good luck. Some guys went below the bridge and did really well while the spring area continued to produce well with midges and Bennett Spring killers and Will Black reported having real good luck with Dry Flies. At the end of the day the fish count was impressive. Everyone was in double digits from the teens all the way to over 90.

As we were getting changed out of our gear we talked about where to go for a fellowship dinner and decided on the Tater Patch in Rolla, seven of the nine of us were going to dinner but Will Black and Scott Payne decided to head home. When we arrived at the Tater Patch we were glad to see that Tim and Sid had arrived first and had a table for all of us. We ordered our food but as usual the service was slow and some of it was cold when served. That will teach me to order an appetizer with an entrée. Cold onion rings just don’t cut it. Most of the food was pretty good and the fellowship was excellent.

The group split up after dinner as Sid and Tim started home and the rest of us making our way to Montauk. We got to our cabin about 8 pm and were greeted by John and Bill. We shared our Bennett stories for a while but I for one couldn’t get to bed fast enough. I went to sleep with the anticipation of fishing Saturday with more of the FATC guys at Montauk. What a great way to spend time with nature and doing what we love.

Tight Lines everyone lets keep this fellowship going strong.

Steve Baker

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