Trips: Rain, Cold and another Graduate

The weather was forecast to be pretty “crappy” and well the forecast was correct. That forecast stopped many from fishing at Montauk this day BUT NOT US!!  Jim Petersen, Sid Aslin, Jim Craig, John Best and Kenny Klimes showed up to make sure Bob Hassett graduated on this day.  The day started off with a continual rain and cold. But the fish were rising, and the catching was rather good.  Kenny and Bob headed to the usual spot for the morning graduation “test”.  Bob went through all of the different fly-fishing techniques from swinging flies to stripping flies to nymphing. The rest of the group headed upstream to fish and found the river fairly empty of fly fishers.  Fish were caught and Bob graduated with the tiniest trout anyone has ever caught. But he did catch a bunch of bigger rainbows after.

After lunch, the rain stopped, and everyone headed to different parts of the river. Kenny and Bob went to the beginning of the river and worked their way down until 4pm. Most fish were caught on nymphs, midges, and san juan worms. Jim got caught fishing in the “kiddie” pond but did pull out a beauty of a rainbow. We all had a great time and congratulated Bob on completing the fly-fishing class. Rumor has it that Kenny only had to smack him on the back of the head three times (just kidding). Bob voted to eat fellowship dinner at Hicks BBQ in Cuba, so you know what that means – he had the Ory’s Spud for his initiation. Bob’s retired so I am sure we will see a lot of him on the water.  Congratulations Bob!!

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