Trips: Pockets

Ken Welter and I (Glenn Haake) took a trip to Montauk Wednesday.   We pulled up to quite a few cars and were a bit worried about the crowds.    As we went up to the spring, there were very few people at the top, we pretty much had the place to ourselves.   As we moved downstream, we found everyone lined up just above the telephone line hole. (I need Dan Stag to tell me the real name).

After a decent morning, when we hit the congestion, we broke for lunch, discussing the strategies for the afternoon.   When returning after lunch, the crowd was still there, so we started in the riffles below the telephone line and worked our way down to the boulder.   Once again, we had the stream pretty much to ourselves.   Iā€™m not sure what the attraction was in that one section of the river.

The water was low and clear with a lot of fish.   While there were fish in the shallow runs, we found our best luck was finding pockets that had moving water.    The hunt was on!

We would each go for a while without any action, then find a pocket and pull out 4 or 5.   At the end of the day, we each had 15 or 16 in the net.    It was a great day.   The most successful flies were perdigons (green or black/red), black zebra midge, and soft hackle.   (Ken caught a few with a couple of dry flies.)

After getting off the water at 4:00, we stopped at American Taco for a quick, good bite, then headed home.   

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