Trips: New Grad – Fast and Murky

A graduation trip which was scheduled months in advanced came true yesterday as Nick Carper headed to the waters to be the second graduate from the Fall 2018 fly fishing class.  A cadre of six FATC – Glenn Haake, Mike Oldani, Sid Aslin, Jason “Dry Fly” Edwards, Kenny Klimes and Nick Carper (seven counting Russ Bacon who couldn’t stay all day) fished the Current river at Montauk. The weather reports were sketchy as rain and thunder were in the forecast. But we took off anyway because that’s what we do – fish. Fortunately, the weatherman was totally wrong, and it turned out to be a beautiful day with one exception….  The rains the night before filled up the spring and the river was high, fast and murky.

As we have said in the past “Fast and Murky, Go Big and Gaudy” so the flies mostly used were the woolybugger and cerise worm. Yes, they caught fish.  A few other nymphs caught fish – the Czech style – but mostly the cerise worm. I guess they can see it better ?

Let’s get back to the reason that we fished – to get Nick graduated.  Nick did awesome right from the get-go. Like all new guys we worked on his casting, setting the hook and learning new techniques. He caught fish right away swinging and stripping a black BH woolybugger. With the water fast and murky it was difficult walking at times and we were definitely fishing blind. No sight fishing on this day.  Nick did well throughout the day and actually out fished the other guys.

Kenny and Nick stayed in the park for the day while the others ventured outside below the cable with little success. The flow was too fast and high. Let Montauk settle down for a few days and it should be ready to hammer again.

After a full day of fishing we celebrated with Mexican food!!  Congrats to Nick and welcome to the FATC!


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