Trips: Mystery Guest??

Dave Beerbower, Jim Franke and his mystery guest decided that Montauk was a good place to be on Wednesday with a break in the heat. We arrived on a bright sunny day with cooler temperatures and a wonderful breeze. As we started to suit up, one of us (me!) discovered that he had left his wading boots in NC! Not one to be deterred, I decided to get out the Tenkara rod and spend the day in the catch and release area. Jim and his mystery guest (we have seen mystery guests in the past for a multitude of reasons) headed out to the river near the Conservation shed. The catching was a bit slow early, but started picking up as the day wore on. The Tenkara was especially effective in the small stream catch and release area. Dry flies and terrestrials brought several fish to the net Most of them were only 10-12” in length, but feisty. The mystery guest did well under Jim’s instruction, especially with midges. The afternoon was much more productive with soft hackles and flash back pheasant tails. The mystery guest came over to the catch and release area at the end of the day and added a few more to the day’s total. It was a great day of fishing in spite of the tribulation at the beginning. With the weather moderating and school starting, it is a great time to get on the stream as the crowds are much smaller. Enjoy


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