Trips: Montauk Visited

Hi Kenny,
Just a short note to share the conditions over at Montauk on Sunday (8-29).  I was thinking about you and FATC and the send-off for Dave on Tuesday night.  Unfortunately I will not be able to come.  Please give him my best. I know he has some great times ahead in NC and the beautiful streams in that state.
I had a late start on Sunday and arrived at Montauk State Park at noon – raining lightly as I pulled and bought my park permit.   I pulled over to the parking area over near to the hatchery and pulled my gear out of the trunk to get ready.  As soon as I did the heavens opened and a squall came through that lasted an hour – torrential rain – lighting and thunder….I was wondering if I was going to get on the water at all.  Then the storm passed over and I made my way to the top up toward the Spring.  
The river was very high, dangerously so and really silted-up.  I carefully made my way upstream where I had done well previously under similar conditions and after about half an hour without a single bump, headed down.  The flow was down now – the water starting to clear and I worked that long riffle before the bend thoroughly – some good results on a hare’s ear variant (Guide’s Choice – a bead-head hare’s ear with a fluorescent thread and soft hackle collar).  I worked my way down to the bend and down another 50 yards and then turned back up again.  Spent pretty much the whole afternoon going back and forth.  As the sun started to get lower in the afternoon – the fish started taking something (never could see anything) off the top and I switched up to a tan CDC body and CDC wing caddis.  Good idea as in the next 45 minutes I landed five 10+ inch rainbows and two larger fish that went 13-14″.    
Never a bad day on the river.  Pulled out when the siren sounded.  
Tim Welsh

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