Trips: Montauk Murderer Kills It

September 8, 2023

Ken Welter, Glenn Haake, Harold Bates, and Sterling Short made the usual trip to Montauk Park.  We ran into Dan Staggenborg and Steve Baker who had stayed a couple nights at Dan’s trailer, as well as Bill Grelle. Brothers everywhere!


We caught fish on a variety of flies. 7x seemed more effective.

Bill Grelle caught a nice fish on a Cerise/San Juan Worm.

Glenn Haake had a slow morning.  At lunch, Dan Stag fixed him up with a Montauk Murderer (tan version of the Bennett Springs Killer in photos). I believe these leech patterns are Stag originals.  Glenn netted 12 in the afternoon – mostly just above the boulder on the opposite/near bank.

We ate our fellowship dinner in Rolla at American Taco!

One Response

  • Bill Grelle caught a very interesting fish near the powerlines.
    Although only about 4/5” long, it was a wild bred rainbow there from the Current River
    The black par marks are normal occurrence up until about 7-8” or so… all of our rainbows look like that here in Missouri. The hatchery fish don’t get near that colorful until they are loose, but those wild ones sure are pretty from the start.

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