Trips: Montauk/Current River

First Trip: Headed down to the Current River last week with the camper to fish areas outside the park. Sid Aslin joined me for one of the days.  We explored Parker’s Ford, Baptist Camp and inside the park.  Word had it that MDC had released 8,000 fish from TanVat to Cedar Grove.  Fishing was tough.  Not sure where the fish were or if in fact fish were actually released but we verified from a couple good sources that it did in fact occur.  Weather cooperated on the first day and although it was tough fishing we did manage to put some fish in the net.  Unfortunately the River was running a little high and it got worse due to heavy rain.  Consequently the trip was cut short for the following days as the rain raised water levels more.  Packed up and headed home early. Most fish were caught on black, white & olive  wooly buggers and cherise worm.  As previous reports have confirmed there are few fish in the park.  All in all any time you can get on the river is a great day.  Hoping to return soon as the park will be stocked on May 15.  The 16th could very well resemble Opening Day.  Look out if you planned on fishing that day.

Second Trip: Greetings from Montauk.  Park crowded today as you can imagine.  Yesterday was a good day.  Fished outside park at TanVat and Sam & I layed into the browns.

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