Trips: Montauk and Ronald??

Montauk Trip June 27, 2024

Bill Byington, Vernon Preston, and Don Varner fished at Montauk on Thursday, June 27 after starting out and then postponing the previous day’s planned trip due to severe weather outlook.   Turns out Wednesday’s projected storm wasn’t nearly as bad as forecast.

The day was pleasant with weather in the mid-80’s, leading all three of us to wet wade.  Water was clear and the flow was normal.  The night before they had stocked 550 trout.  There were several fishermen but the stream was not overly crowded.

There were lots of trout visible in the stream, but they were fairly finicky  taking flies.  All three of us caught multiple fish, but we didn’t have any problems counting our totals on our fingers.  Crackleback, red and pink San Juan worms, John Deere, cream delight worms all produced fish.   We fished as far upstream as the blue hole but not at all below the power lines.

We enjoyed a fellowship meal at the Jim Craig Pizza Emporium in Salem on the way home. 

[Only photo is of Don, Ron, and Vern the day before at MacDonald’s.]

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