Trips: Mill Creek and Blue Springs

Here is a report from Jim Craig when he and Bill Byington fished the tiny creeks of Mill creek and Blue Springs:

“Trip Report: 2-27-2018: With the trout parks closed and our usual backup locations experiencing high flowing fast water, yesterday was a perfect opportunity to explore some small streams. Bill Byington (aka Back Woods Billl) took me (Jim Craig) to a couple of his backwoods locations. He didn’t even use a map! We fished Mill Creek in the morning and Blue Springs Creek in the afternoon. Mill Creek was very challenging. Even though the water had recently receded at least 1 foot, it was still high, moving very fast, and moderately stained. We worked it hard with modest results. We tried lots of flies and techniques. Eventually, Bill had success on his red soft hackle and Jim got on the board with a yellow egg pattern. We ate lunch in the car as Bill gave Jim a driving tour of the other river access locations in the area. After lunch we went to Blue Springs Creek. That was a fun little creek. The water was up, but not too fast and it was still fairly clear. We had to fish it pool by pool. We had much better luck in the afternoon with these spooky wild trout. The yellow, egg pattern, clown egg pattern and cerise were the clear favorites. With a good dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant in Sullivan, the day was complete. Where shall we go next? “


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