Trips: Meetin’s, Greetin’s ands Fishin’s

If you missed this trip then you didn’t check the FATC calendar or you don’t have the TEAMUP calendar app on your phone – oh, well.  Jim Craig, Mike Oldani, Bill Byington and Kenny Klimes headed down to Montauk to fish outside the park (rumor had it that two FATC fished there this past Friday and did well).  We got a call that Sid Aslin would meet us there to fish.  When we arrived Sid told us that Tim Klotz and Dave Franke would be there fishing too and would join us for lunch – great!  We did met them for lunch and then who shows up but “Gabby” Heath.  So all in all, we had eight FATC fishing in the Montauk area on this awesome day (75 degrees).

Jim, Mike, Bill, Sid, and Kenny fished below the cable in the morning and did well. At first they used the “little” stuff – midges, small san juan worms and the like, but the trout didn’t bite. Since the water was slightly off colored (and a tip from the Friday guys) they switched to big stuff and the big cerise worm did the trick. Nice trout were caught in the morning – all rainbows. Tim and Dave fished in the park but just in the area before the cable. They did super on black and olive woolybuggers in that section.

After our festive lunch with the eight amigos, Jim, Mike, Bill, and Kenny fished Tan Vat and Baptist Camp. Fish were caught but the fishing was a little tougher.  Kenny worked on his “Czech” nymphing (he is Czech you know) and cries of “frustration” could be heard down the river as he lost more flies than fish he caught. This group quit about 5:30pm and headed for Hicks BBQ in Cuba.  The plan was to meet Tim and Dave there for a fellowship dinner.  Sid stayed at Montauk to camp for a few more days and Gabby (and his lovely wife) were camping there for the week.  The guys that stayed in the park said it slowed down for them during the afternoon also.

Fun times seeing so many guys fishing.  Six of us ate at Hicks and after big meals (as always) we went for dessert – probably a mistake as we could barely walk out of the place. Oh well, time to work out and as Dave Franke says, “get that bathing suit body ready for summer!”. The weather is better so try to get out before the crowds hit during the summertime.



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