Trips: Last Trip of 2022

The Last FATC trip of 2022

On Friday, December 30th, 13 FATC members (Matt McClure, Denny Garner, Raul Vargas, Dave Rodecap, Vernon Preston, Bob Hassett, Al Blair, Bob, Palisch, Steve Baker, Don Varner, Al Haper, Dan Stag, and Glenn Haake descended on Montauk for the final trip of 2022.   The forecast called for a chance of rain and a high of 50, it turned out to be a beautiful overcast day for fishing.    We expected the park to be packed, however, that wasn’t the case, there were a few people fishing, but wasn’t packed.

The group spread out across the park with Dan Stag and Al Harper heading behind the lodge and the camp ground where they ran into Pastor John and a man from Miami who came up for the winter fishing.  Several headed to Matt’s Honey hole below the boulder, and several headed upstream.  In the morning session, there were mixed results, the highlight of the morning was Dan Stags 19 inch trout caught behind the lodge.

Everyone met for lunch at noon, sharing stories and strategies.   During lunch the sun broke through for a few minutes, while sprinkling at the same time, which was the only rain of the day.

After lunch, the group redispersed, some heading to different places across the park.   Matt McClure, Bob Hassett and Glenn Haake took a turn behind the lodge, then headed to the campground.

It was a great day, where everyone had fish in their net, including Raul Vargas, who was on his first trip after his graduation, caught quite a few fish.

The successful flies varied, from woolybuggers, cracklebacks, soft hackles, hares ear nymphs, crane fly larva, cerise worm and others.

After the horn everyone met at American Taco in Rolla for a fellowship dinner.

2022 ended with a great group of men having a great day on the water.

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