Trips: Last Minute Trip

On August 18, 2022 I found myself relieved of a previous commitment for Thursday the 20th, and decided to post a trip on the FATC calendar.  Since it was last minute I didn’t expect many takers but was happy to get a call from my friend Bill Byington.  We made our plans and on Thursday headed to Montauk. We picked up our tags at the lodge, and then went to the naturalist cabin to get ready. We were both pleasantly surprised with the lack of cars at the parking area.

After heading up stream we started fishing just below the blue hole and we were immediately rewarded with fish on.  Blue wing olives and a Klinkhammer with a white midge dropper were the ticket.  Did I mention we had the stream practically all to ourselves?  The weather was perfect, the fishing great, and no, we were not lonely.  We continued downstream catching fish now and then to just below the big cut bank and decided it was time for lunch. We were both pleased with the morning catch of 9 fish each.

After lunch we noticed the late sleepers had come out to play but there was still plenty of room at our favorite spots.  Bill went back to above the power lines and continued bringing in the fish and I went down to the boulder and picked up a couple of fish on a white mop fly and a few more on a midge before they turned off.  I then headed back up to check on Bill and fish below the cut bank again until 4:30.  I managed a couple more fish before heading back to the car and finding Bill there waiting.

We changed into dry cloths after wet wading all day and made our way to American Taco for dinner.  As I had said earlier it was a great day to be in the stream. We both had a fish count in the double digits with the majority taken on dry flies.

The drive home went by quickly as Bill can be a real talker when he wants to, with very interesting conversation.  After dropping bill at the 44/30 commuter lot I had about a 45 minute drive to reflect on the day and realized I had a lot to be thankful for.  The FATC fellowship and that of a good friend, the chance to be on the stream, and to be able to enjoy the beauty of our state and take advantage of the opportunity to fish while taking in nature all around. God is definitely telling me to take this opportunity to enjoy the life that he has placed in front of me.

Please get out and fish.  We owe it to ourselves.

Steve Baker

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