Trips: Lake Taneycomo Again – Not

Well, our second Taneycomo trip this year did not go as planned. As Robert Burns said in his poem, “the best laid plans of mice and men”.  Brian Yost, Bob Beckett, Jeff Layton, John Muckerman, and I (Kenny Klimes) knew days before of our plan to fish Taneycomo was not going to happen. But we did go down and we did fish!

Our first day (Friday – March 26) was to be fishing at Bennett Spring State park. Yes, it was crowded but we found room to fish. The water was lower and clearer than the trip before, but it was still moving faster than normal. The five of us fished until about 3pm. All caught fish with several different flies used. We did have fun and the fellowship on these 3-day trips is always fantastic. The group gelled quickly.  We reached the condo on Lake Taneycomo to find the waters there to be high and fast. How fast you ask – 15,000 cfs. We had dinner and planned the next day’s game plan.

On day two we headed to Roaring River State park which is an hour drive west of Branson. The fly fishing only area was not too crowded, and we all enjoyed fishing some new waters. John found a hot spot and wacked trout using his black zebra midge. The others did well too.  The frustrating part was we could see fish but not get them to take all of the time. Some days you got it and other days you do not. Again, returning to the condo we discussed plans for the third day – Sunday. We tossed around all kinds of options. The group decided to fish Bennett again on the way home. Again, fish were caught but it was not in Lake Taneycomo.

The trip was a relaxing and enjoyable experience for all. Several of the guys who are NOT retired yet took advantage of the down time. It is so much fun to get to know our guys better and it is easier to do on an extended trip. We had laughs and deep discussions. I just love how we are always here for one another. Remember that – we are here for one another – always.  There are lots of trips going on so get on one and enjoy the fellowship.

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