Trips: Just Want to Go Catchin

Well, everyone knows that there is no catchin without a lot of fishin. So, it turns out that, Jim a friend of mine and I headed to Montauk late Wednesday morning drove to Licking and check in to the luxurious 1-star Scenic River Inn. We then headed to the stream and decided to fish the lower end of the park and below the cable. We each caught a couple fish with one being the, you should have seen the one that gotta away fish story. We then decided to head to the boulder to improve our chances. We ran into a couple of FATC guys Dan Staggenborg and Al Harbor. The late afternoon proved once again to be more fishin than catchin but overall, it was a great day.

Thursday morning after a great breakfast at (do not look in the kitchen) PJ’s diner in Licking we met up with Jim Craig and Don Varner. We all suited up and headed upstream to our favorite spots. Once again fishing was slow with only one fish for me before lunch. During lunch we talked about what was working and found everyone had the same opinion. No one fly was the secret. After lunch we were keeping an eye on the weather but were able to get in a couple of hours of fishing before the rain hit and hit it did. By the time I got to the Naturalist cabin for cover I looked like I had swum there. We wanted to see if we could wait it out but after checking the weather app it was a good bet that fishing was over for the day. So, Jim and I decided to head straight back home and forgo a fellowship dinner. I apologize for the lack of pictures, but I guess my head just was not in the game.

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