Trips: Jim Gets A Do Over!

Jim Craig set up a “Do Over” trip to Montauk since his last trip left him ‘unfulfilled’. Nine other FATC members decided to join him in his mission. Al Blair, Bob Hassett, Steve Baker, Al Harper, Bill Byington, Dan Staggenborg, Kenny Klimes, Josh Robinson, and Martin Jones accompanied Jim on his quest. The weather was clear and perfect temps. Water temperature was at 63 degrees which is good. Oh yeah, and there was a prolific mayfly hatch (BWO) happening in the morning. Everything was right for a great “Do Over” except the water was super clear and low. Does that call for 7X tippet, fluorocarbon, tiny flies? We’ll see.

The strategy was this. Jim, Kenny, and Josh decided to fish out of the park (below the cable) to test their luck. The rest stayed in the park. The park is still full of people (those old, retired people are still camping). Hey, wait, I’m one of them?!?! For the guys that went below the cable they found only one other fly fisher who left early so they pretty much had the entire area to themselves.

Jim, Josh, and Kenny got into some nice brown trout before lunch which seem to be moving upstream towards the park. The others in the park did ok with Steve Baker claiming he hit the jackpot early. After lunch we hit the waters again until around 5pm. Jim, Josh and Kenny started in the park in the camping area and worked their way below the cable again. They did well and Kenny found the ticket as he threw small flies (Barr’ Emergers – size 20). A hot spot below the cable was at the first 90-degree turn. A small back eddy producing some foam on the water produced feeding fish. Again, small flies were the ticket. The guys in the park did ok after lunch with Bob Hassett finding the solution – small flies and 7X tippet.

We all finished the day with fellowship dinner at Kenny’s favorite place (not) the Pizza Inn in Salem. I think Jim Craig has stock in this company.

The fall is here (maybe summer is over?). The waters in our rivers are low and CLEAR so think about how you will fool these trout. Fluorocarbon tippet, 6X or 7X tippet, good drifts, and small flies could be the only way. Get use to this for a while and get magnifier glasses to help you tie those tiny flies on your tippet. With the clear water you may be able to “target” your catch but remember they then can also see you – be stealthy.

Catch and Release season starts November 10th but let’s not forget the fishing in September and October. Find some time to relax, regenerate and recharge by taking off to fish for a day. I am sure your family would love to for you to come home in a great mood.

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