Trips: Hot Day, Even Hotter Fishing

On Friday June 18th,  a group of men including Don Varner, Scott Dougherty, Al Blair, Glenn Haake and a guest appearance by Charlie Trankler, made a trip to Montauk.  Don, Scott and Glenn met at the park and ride to carpool, meeting Al (and Charlie) at the FATC picnic tables.    The forecast was for very hot weather, nearing 100 degrees, the water was low, cool and clear.

Don, Glenn and Al decided to forego the waders and do a little wet wading.   Scott put on the waders and the foresome headed towards the spring, Al peeled off early and the rest head up.  Don started the day off with 2 quick trout at and above the spring on a mop fly.   Everyone was able to put a few trout in the net in the morning session, until……..   Glenn, who had gotten a report from Jim Craig, put a hairs ear nymph on and found two holes that were loaded with fish.  Out of the two secret holes, he put 20 trout in the net before lunch.   What a blast, a PB at Montauk before lunch!

The group met for lunch, (running into Charlie) at noon and swapped stories and strategies including that fact that wet wading was the way to go.  A sixty-degree stream with a slight breeze was really delightful.    The heat at the picnic table was brutal, so after a quick lunch, Scott bagged the waders and the group headed back to the cool water.   When in the water, you didn’t know it was close to 100 degrees.

The afternoon session was just as nice where everyone (except Glenn, who only got one more) put several more in the net, including Scott who had his first double digit day, another PB.   Charlie left after lunch, Al left around 2:30ish, Scott, Don, and Glenn hung on until around 4:30, then headed to the Tater Patch for dinner.

Everyone had quite a bit of success using a mixed bag flies, fish were caught on a mop fly, hairs ear nymph, other random nymphs, wooly buggers, copper johns, cerise worms, soft hackle, crackle back, and probably a few more.  What an awesome day.

Hot summer fishing can be enjoyable if your prepared (just like cold winter fishing), sun protection, long sleeves, a good hat, a lot of water, a good pair of Neoprene socks, and leave your waders at home.   (Personal note, I like to wear a lightweight pair of long pants for trapsing through the woods, others wear shorts).

There are a lot of trout out there, go out and catch them!

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