Trips: High, Murky, Fast – Bam – Two More Grads

Well, the trip for two of our grads, Dan Moloney and Brad Brewer, was on a hold until 5:00 am on the day of trip. Rain was in the forecast and the rivers were already swollen to the banks. Charlie Trankler who joined us from Texas was at Montauk State Park on Thursday fishing. He told us that night what we thought – any more rain and it might be a good idea to cancel the trip (that would be two canceled trips in one week). But Jim Craig and Kenny got up early, checked the rain and water levels and decided it was a ”GO”.

Harold Bates, Bob Hassett, Steve Baker, Raul Vargas, Bill Byington, Jason Edwards, and Charlie Trankler joined the grads along with Jim and Kenny. As we entered the park there were a lot of bait fisherman but not too many fly fishers (until later in the afternoon). The water was higher, faster, and cloudier than normal but very fishable, so we attacked. Jim and Kenny took Dan and Brad to the usual place below the boulder and taught the techniques that were in the class. Dan and Brad did very well but no trout in the net. Actually, most of the guys returning to lunch said that the morning was very tough.

The afternoon proved to be much better. Raul took the honors for the day when he hit a spot where it was almost fish after fish. The others did well too. Jim and Kenny got the grads on to fish in the afternoon as Brad pulled in two and Dan did the same. Actually, Dan had an “accident” with his rod as it broke in three pieces. We are not sure how that happened since he didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. He will be sending his rod back as it was the first time used. Sooo, Kenny lent him his Euro-Style rod and Dan caught two trout on a style of fishing that was not talked about in class (of course we taught as we fished). Great job. Top flies seemed to be the crane-fly Larva, Hair of the Dog (like the Walt’s worm), egg pattern, House of Payne, copper john, and other various flies were tried.

Overall, everyone did well and of course, and as always, had an awesome time of fishing, learning and fellowship. One of the big lessons learned was ALWAYS check the water conditions before every trip. Even if it isn’t raining in the area where you live that doesn’t mean that the water conditions will be ideal where you are going to fish. Enjoy the pictures! See you on the water.

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