Trips: Here We Go Class!!

Trips: Here We Go Class!

Our first graduation of the guys from the 2022 Fall FATC fly fishing class took place on Friday, November 11 – catch and release opening day. Right now, 8 of the 12 class members will “attempt” to graduate in the next two weeks. In a word – awesome! The first in the barrel, so to speak, were Don McCain and Bill Meeks. Kenny and Jim Craig would oversee the on-water instruction for Don and Bill. Five other FATC members, Scott Payne, Will Black, Glenn Haake, Bob Moore, and Chris Wiley would join them on this frigid day. Wouldn’t you know it the weather changed drastically in one day from temps in the 70s to the low 40s. But dress warm (NO cotton please) and be prepared with extra clothing in case you want to go for a “swim.”

The group started fishing before 9am while Jim and Kenny took Bill and Don out to work on the different techniques that they learned in class. Casting, stripping flies, swinging flies and nymphing were the order of the morning. The others spread out throughout the park to actually do pretty well with “catching.” Don and Bill graduated early, before lunch, and stopped around 11:30am to head back to eat. Plus, it was cold, and they had to walk a little to get warm. Everyone met up for lunch and talked of success on the water. Flies like the big hurt, house of Payne, soft hackles, midge larva, glo-bugs, blow torch all did well.

In the afternoon Kenny and Jim took Don and Bill to the beginning of the park (fly only area) to fish. They worked their way downstream to about the Boulder hole before stopping for the day at 4pm. The rest of the gang met up at the parking lot and again, talked of a good afternoon. The park was crowded but that was for opening day. The crowds will thin out as we get more into winter. Don and Bill voted for BBQ, so it was off to Hicks BBQ in Cuba for the traditional initiation meal of Ory’s Spud. Yes, they ordered it. Don couldn’t finish his, but Bill pushed forward and ate it all (but he didn’t eat his Cole slaw??).

Two more will be in the barrel this Friday. Come out and join them!!

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