Trips: Graduation Happening FAST!

Graduation Happening FAST!

Yes, another graduate was front and center on this Monday. March 21st! This time Josh Robinson was in the barrel to graduate from the 2022 Winter fly fishing class. Joining him and Kenny were Bob Hassett and Barry Dunnegan at Montauk State Park. Everyone met at around 8:30am at the Montauk Lodge and set out for a day of fly fishing. The weather was still warm from the weekend with storms looming on the horizon (but not until 6pm as forecasted). So, the four got in some nice weather to fish plus the crowds were low throughout the park.

Kenny went through casting, stripping flies, swinging flies and dead drifting techniques with Josh while Bob and Barry hit the fly only area. Josh caught his first rainbow after a few misses when he did the “wet fly swing” with a small “emerger” fly. I am not sure the fly was in the water more than a second when the fat rainbow smashed it. First trout in the net meant graduation early. We fished near the “boulder” until lunch and met up with Bob and Barry to check how well they did.

After lunch we all spread out except for Kenny who kept a close watch on Josh. In the afternoon Josh chose to fish by dead drifting midge larva. Excellent choice as others fishing were not having much luck. One gentleman finally got the nerve to ask the guys with what they were fishing. So, Kenny gave him a few midge larva flies and sent him on his way. Josh got a few more rainbows (and missed a few) but seemed to have a great, enjoyable day. Kenny and Josh worked themselves all the way down to the boulder again. At 4:30pm the four called it quits and headed back for home.

Seems the parks will have more people as we get closer to summer so get your fishing in now. Do not forget to go outside the parks for a challenge. See you on the water

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