Trips: Grad, Summer, June, Weekend – Really?

Well, it’s definitely summer and the schools are out. So of course, we avoid the State Parks, especially on the weekends. Crowded – just too crowded. But when a “graduate” from the class has to get his “final  exam” completed (his graduation) we go and gladly. As around ten of us headed to Montauk State Park to graduate Ben Wilson from the 2024 winter class, I had a funning feeling that it would be one of those days that we will just have to fight for position on the river. The ten of us included me (Kenny Klimes), Graduate Ben Wilson, Derrik Kassebaum, Steve Baker, Bob Hassett, John Steuterman, Bob Wilson (Ben’s Dad), Don “Chili” Williams, Mark “Robo” Robert, and possible newcomer Garett Harrell.

Arriving at Montauk the forecast for the morning included cool temps and light rain, which was fine with me thinking it would keep some anglers off the water. And it did! We all had plenty of room to fish. Ben and I went to the usual spot to take in all of the techniques that we taught in class. Ben did outstanding as he caught fish with every technique taught before lunch. I think he had about five in the net before lunch time.  When we met for lunch around 11:30 some fly fishers had a decent morning and other struggled. But we would find out by the end of the day that most all would be very successful. I have to sat after the lunch the sun came out and so did the fishermen. It became more crowded when the weather was good. Moral of the story is if you go to fish the Parks during the weekend try hard to pick a day where the weather is terrible (weird saying that but if the weather is good everyone will be out fishing) or pick a weekday. Best thing to do during the summer is fish outside the parks – Tan Vat, Baptist camp, Cardiac hill, and the like…

Everyone caught fish by the afternoon – some more than others. Don’t give up if you had a tough day and don’t be afraid to ask for help. We have instructors (if they aren’t teaching) and mentors that are always willing to help. The most important thing is to get out and fish – practice, practice, practice.

Unfortunately, the group could not all fish together because some were staying the night in the area and others had to get back to St Louis. But all ate fellowship dinner somewhere and that’s what we like to happen after every trip. Ok then, lots of fishing to be had. AND DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE SPECIAL CLASS ON TUESDAY JUNE 11TH AT THE COMMONS WITH BEN HAVENS, THE BENNETT SPRING HATCHERY MANAGER – check your FATC calendar for time and details.

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