Trips: Good in the Middle but Not the Ends

A Productive Holes at each end, not a lot in the middle.

Sid Aslin, Tim Klotz and Glenn Haake headed to Montauk on Friday (Dec. 21st), expecting a windy cold day of fishing in high water.   When we got there, the water was a bit high and murky, but the ridges hid the wind and though cloudy, it wasn’t as cold as we thought (no gloves needed).

Tim and Glenn decided to hit a spot behind the lodge where Tim had luck the week before.  As we arrived, we saw a good number of fish just waiting to be caught and decided to take the longer way around so we didn’t disturb the fish.   When we got back to the spot, three other fishermen took the more direct route and beat us to the hole.   Tim was able to edge in and immediately began having success with a white wooly bugger.    Glenn could not find a spot to get comfortable (five was a crowd), so went off in search of Walter’s brother (See earlier trip report).   After a while, the other three moved on and Tim had the hole to himself, catching one after another on white and black wooly buggers and soft hackle.

Sid headed to the top of the park and found a hole where the creek enters, where he caught many fish using a white beaded wooly bugger, letting the water give it drift.

Glenn moved around not having much luck until just before lunch when he caught a few using a white woolly bugger and a rubber legged stonefly.

The team met for a late warm lunch in the Lodge, making plans for the afternoon.  While we were eating, the sun had come out making the afternoon beautiful.   Tim was tired of catching so many fish, so he decided to take his soft hackle upstream (with not a lot of luck) and Glenn headed directly to Tim’s spot and Sid headed below the lower hatchery.   Both picked up where Tim left off, catching one after another using wooly buggers, soft hackle.  Sid tied on a yellow sally right before the horn and got one to take it off the top of the water.

Still full from the late warm lunch, the team called it a day and headed home.   It was a good day with great company.



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