Trips: Going for Big Browns

Here’s a trip report from one of our newest members, Al Harper. He fished the White River in Arkansas for big browns with some friends last week.

I’m a new FATC member who looks forward to fishing with new friends in this organization. I fished The White River (N. AR) last week. While guides motored their clients up and down the middle of the river in long john boats we oared near the banks throwing hoppers, a few nymphs and streamers.  My buddy caught a 19” brown and this one I’m holding up was a battle-scarred 21” heavy brown feeding on insects that dropped off trees and bushes.  We got quality not quantity but had enough follows, strikes and near catches to keep things interesting.

On the way back home to Washington, MO, we did a morning float on the N. Fork of the White where there was action on streamers if you worked hard and could get them down some. Lighter colored articulated ones seemed to work best.  I used a couple of casting techniques I picked up in Mike Bisaga’s recent casting class too. Thanks Mike.  

Good fishing to you all. 

Al Harper

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