It was a wet and wild weekend in Branson! From the 80s to the 20s and sunshine to rain it had it all. But can I say BROWNTOWN! Woah, there was some serious action on the water!
Every year about this time my wife and I spend a weekend in Bransons with friends. One couple builds and manages rental houses for Airbnb/VRBS ( This a a great place to spend a long weekend. The best part is the location! It’s great to be only 3 minutes away from the hatchery. The other families all have younger children and spend much of the time going to attractions and Silver Dollar City, additionally I’m the only one in the group who fly fishes. That means that while they’re riding roller coasters and go-karts, I’m hip deep in trout. Pretty sure I get the better end of the deal
This weekend my wife and I arrived Thursday about noon. After a brief stop at River Run Flyshop for flys and advice (btw, always fish what they recommend. I’ve never been led astray) it was time to get in the water. Most of the weekend the water was low, as was the oxygen count. They did generate a few hours in the afternoon, but not so much water that wading was impossible. Thursday afternoon was a typical day. Lots of folks and about a dozen fish in the net. Good mix of bows and browns.
However that changed Friday and Saturday. I had the chance to fish Friday morning. Lots people up and down the stream, but the fishing was great ahead of the front. Lost count of the amount of fish in the net, but it was a very productive day. Even when they were generating I was able to put fish in the net.
Saturday was cold and the rain started about 10am and never let up. Thankfully the rain drove most of the other fisherman out. I started fishing about 8am and quit about 3pm. When I left there were only 5-6 people in sight on the water. Behind the front the fishing was slower as well. However, that didn’t mean that fishing was bad….
Saturday after the rain started the fish got bigger. I caught mainly browns, all over 12” and hardly ever a rainbow. Several fish were 18”+. I also managed to catch my largest trout to date 25” brown! That was one of the most exciting experiences I’ve had to date!
Tanyecome this time of year is excellent fishing! Follow some of the groups on Facebook (fly fishing lake taneycome, etc) to see what’s being caught and what’s being used. It’s an excellent resource! Also, be considerate while fishing. Locations like this can have guys stacked up down stream every 20/30 feet. That’s ok. What’s not ok it stand on top of someone and fish over their shoulder!!!! That happened on Saturday. Had an older gent (well old enough to know better) who saw me catching fish, waded over to stand 5 ft behind me and literally cast over my shoulder while I was retying my line!!!!!! I was able to practice patience, which I’m told is a virtue ;). Let’s all strive to do it right on the water!
Takeaways from the trip:
Most people (myself included) had success drifting midges along the bottom.
Some folks had luck with streamers/sculpins
Didn’t see anyone connect with drys.
Flys that worked:
18-20 tan scuds
18-20 Primrose/P&B
16-18 Ruby 2
18-20 Black or red zebra midge