Trips: Cold, Fish, Fun!!

I must honestly say that this was one the most fun one day trips I’ve been on this year.  We caught lots of fish and we laughed at times until we cried. It was a great group of guys that fished Montauk park – and NOT in the usual places.  On this trip Sid Aslin, Bill Lowry, Miles Meyer, Jim Craig and Matt McClure joined me (Kenny Klimes) to fish the waters of the Current river.  The plan was for some to fish Tan Vat and the others to stay in the park but fish the lower end of the park (below the entrance bridge and behind the Lodge).

Jim and I started out at Tan Vat.  The water was high but not too high and the flow was decent, around 500 cfs. It looked awesome for fishing but not a bite or a hit was to be had.  So, we returned to the park with just an hour to fish before we all met up for lunch. Jim and I fished the campground area and caught just three trout apiece.  As we did all this the other guys (Sid, Bill, Miles, and Matt) fished in the park below the entrance bridge and behind the Lodge in the deeper water pools. They did well and of course, let Jim and I know about it.  When we all met up for lunch Sid and Matt were going to eat in the Lodge and the rest of us were going to order a soda and eat our lunches that we made and brought.  The Lodge didn’t like that idea and threw us out in the cold to eat on a bench outside while Sid and Matt inhaled hot hamburgers in the Lodge.  But we understood why – I think?

In the afternoon Jim and I worked the long stretch below the entrance bridge and nailed big fish after big fish by nymphing. The other four hit the big pool behind the Lodge with awesome luck. I was so good that no one minded when Sid accidently did “expletive” in his waders.  The overall day was filled with laughter and yells of “Fish on, Fish on”.  The best flies depending on where you were fishing.  The fast-moving waters did well by using nymphs and worm patterns. While the pools produced when using cracklebacks, woolybuggers and stoneflies.  It was just plain fun watching everyone pulling in fish after fish.

When the siren blew, we all walked back to the cars together and decided that we will eat wherever Sid wanted to go. If you know Sid, it was off to the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Sullivan.  I think he wanted to do his Christmas shopping there. We laughed so hard at the table it was a good thing they put us at a table in the corner.  Don’t miss this winter season of catching. We only have two more months.


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