Trips: Cicada Attack (by Mr. Brown)

Glenn Haake & Matt McClure recently headed down to the Current River to get in on the Cicada frenzy.  The weather was absolutely perfect with high 70’s during day and mid 60’s in evening with low humidity.  We floated and wet waded two days together departing from Baptist Camp and ending at Parkers Hollow.  It was non-stop action from the start.  The browns and bows were exploding on the surface going after our flies.  Many quality fish caught along with a lot of sniffs, takes, spits/misses .  Seems the smaller fish have a hard time engulfing the large Cicada patterns so they can spit it out quickly.  The trout are definitely keyed in on them and it was the best top water action I’ve ever experienced.

I ended up fishing the 3rd day by myself as Glenn’s work was calling him home. (Yep, I’m retired now so lots of free time for me 😄).  I wet waded the Tan Vat area and again had a successful day catching nice quality browns and bows.

If you can carve out some time to fish over the next few weeks I wouldn’t hesitate.  The frenzy is supposed to last another week or two or possibly through June. 

Matt McClure

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