Trips: Chicago Boyz?

After the big charity dinner, da Chicago boys (Ron Fiala and Kenny Klimes) decided to do a little two day fishing trip before Ron went back north. Of course, we needed someone to pick on the whole time so we asked Jim Craig if he was game. And to our surprise, he agreed. Now you must know that Jim did grow up north of Chicago, so he counts as a Chicago boy.  Our plan was to head up to the Meramec river to fish outside and inside the park. The weather predictions said temperatures in the fifties – they lied cause we froze our butts off. At first we saw no rises so we went deep with scuds and midge larva but hardly any action. Then we decided to throw some meat as we tied on woolybuggers and leech patterns. Lo and behold, we started catching browns – something turned them on.  We fished to the pylons, just short of dry creek, until noon. Then we headed back up the road to the park. In the park, we caught a few more fish. Ron had a nice 16 inch or so rainbow and Kenny tagged into a 20 inch rainbow that he targeted with a Czech nymph that Ron gave him. You see, both Ron and I are of Czech descent!!

The three of us split off for the night as Jim went to Springfield to take his daughter out for dinner (he’s a good dad). Ron and Kenny headed to a hotel in Salem and the plan was to meet at Tan Vat in the morning. We fished the Current river at Tan Vat (or as Ron calls it the Mekong Delta) and at Baptist camp. All I can say is fishing was TOUGH. Does a drastic change in temperature and barometric pressure shut down the fish?? It was a beautiful day but the fish just didn’t want to plan. A few fish were caught but nothing to brag about.  One big lesson re-learned – never leave your waders in your car over night after fishing with them if the temperature will be below freezing – they are almost impossible to put on!


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