Trips: Busch Wildlife – The Sequel

OK, most of us have seen a few movies in our time.  Some of us can remember the first time when we saw original movies that will stay with us forever and love watching them over and over.  But how many of us can say we would watch sequels to those original masterpieces.  Case in point, Jaws (pic a sequel) Back to the future II (decent but didn’t live up to the first one), Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (ugh), Caddyshack 2 (don’t get me started), <insert your own here>.

Point being the sequel never lives up to the original. 

So here I am writing a trip report-second trip report on the website, but first time with the FATC boys of which I am the one who owns the trip set up.

To reprise the original Busch Wildlife trip, please see Dan Stags report last week (which was a great reprise).  It was a smashing success-like classic original movies.  That day started off slow, and I, unfortunately had to leave before the boys crushed the trout in lake 28 all day after I left.  Many, many trout caught.  Jealous does not condone how I felt after I had to leave early.

So naturally, I thought to myself (with Mike Oldani’s encouragement), lets get another trip to Busch Wildlife trip, where I can actually spend the day with the guys and get on the same great fishing.  Makes sense, right?  So, I set up a calendar invite call to arms.

So cool, and so excited that 9 brothers accepted (most who never even met me).  This was going to be a great day!  I thought to myself, that I really never met most of FATC guys in person this year after joining in 1/2020 (stupid Covid).  What a cool way to finally get to fish and meet “the boys” so close in town.  Let’s roll!

Mike Oldani, Dan Stagenborg, Jim Anzer, Bob Hasset, Russ Bacon, Stan Patton, Paul Schneider, and of course Sid and Bob Aslin, (plus myself), set off from the parking lot at Lake 28 at 9AM, confident of not only replicating last weeks success, but passing it.  Why wouldn’t we, as the temps were in the high 40’s, the sun was shining, and it was a glorious day.  Off we go……………  I told my wife as I left the house that morning I couldn’t wait to meet “The Boys” and catch fish.  This was going to be AWESOME. 

An experienced Busch Wildlife lake trout fisherman told me a month or so ago- “if the weather is great, fishing won’t be.  Man was he right on this beautiful day.  To say fishing was slow, would be like saying water is wet, ice is cold, etc.  At least the boys could forgive me for dragging them out there on a glorious day.  At least the weather was really conducive to not being home inside as a condolence.

Kenny always say’s “It’s not about the fishing”.  That was the only thing I was haplessly clinging onto as I thought to myself this thought……  I just set up my first FATC trip.  9 brothers took the time to accept and join the day.  How could they ever trust me to set up another trip with the hook ups being not like last week.  It was a tough morning, not like last week.  It hit me walking to the lunch site seeing the boys.  “It’s not about the fishing”.  Selfishly for me, I got to meet and enjoy so much personal time with the group.  Not many fish in the net for the effort that was put forth, only a few on 28 that morning.  Not like last week.  What now?  How could we continue to spend a day on a lake that 7 days ago, the fellowship had great success on, and continue to try after lunch and think we could reverse the results……… (more to come)

And that is what I will always keep from that morning on lake 28 from the hours of 9 AM to lunch.  Not a lot of fish, but I finally felt, personally, I was brought into the brotherhood.  Thank you, gentlemen, for not only meeting me but getting to know me and welcoming me into FATC. 

Someone (coughs) recommended that we try Lake 21 after lunch.  Not sure who that was, can’t be confirmed (last ditch effort to save the day from someone btw).  So, after a great time with fellowship for lunch and just talking about life and what wasn’t working at Lake 28, off the caravan goes to a half mile down the road.

Off the boys go to Lake 21.  I won’t go into excruciating detail on what happened in the afternoon at Lake 21.  I will let the pictures with comments tell the story!  Let’s just say that the boys were not only as great in the morning as they were in the afternoon, when the fish were on at Lake 21 (although I did see a few more smiles at #21)   Personally, my journey at FATC is just beginning, and I look forward to the continuation and what is to come.  Funny thing is, that even if the day didn’t get better, the group welcomed me in this day, fish or no fish at Lake 21 (but man praise Jesus it did get better).  Either way, thanks Guys.

So regarding The Sequel, yeah, sometimes it doesn’t live up to the original, and most times it doesn’t.  BUT, sometimes a sequel wins and academy award, like the God Father II (only sequel to win the Oscar).  That’s for my fishing FATC members that joined me to decide on the sequel.  For me, the sequel lived up the hype, and I thank of all you for welcoming into the fold.  Day I will never forget.  Thanks, FATC!

Oh, btw, almost forgot. 

Three things:

Fish were caught on brown leeches, egg patterns, Frankenfly,(aka Big Nasty), and Dan Stag’s version of the Bennet Springs Killer (see Dan for the recipe) among a few others.

Thank you, Mike, for the authentic ITALIAN sandwich at lunch (I didn’t plan lunch well) Delicious!

Thank you, Dan, Jim, Sid, Bob, Russ, Stan, Russ, Paul, Mike!

2 Responses

  • Bob: Thanks for a awesome trip report. It WAS a beautiful day in late January and although the fishing was just OK, it IS always fun to meet and hang with serious trout fishermen.
    Lake fishing IS different but should not be overlooked for a chance to get away for a half day without driving for hours.
    For anyone (like me) who hadn’t tried Busch in winter, you should. But if you don’t get there before Feb 1st, you’ll have to wait until late this year (2021).
    Meat hunting starts after Feb 1st.
    Great meeting you, Bob and I know you’ll fit in just great with everyone. After all, We all share the same passion (addiction?!?). -DanStag

  • Thanks Dan. So cool to meet you and talk So cool that we are on the path in the same direction. Look forward to fishing for the next years moving forward. Your kind of why I joined the club (OMG- apologies KK, the fellowship). Love me some Dan Stag!

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