Trips: Bad Day of Fishing is Better than a Good Day at the Office

Don Varner, Bob Moore and Glenn Haake headed to the Meramec on Wednesday 7/3, meeting Russ
Bacon, who got down there very early in order to leave early for a meeting.    The morning started out
slow, however Don pulled in a nice Trout using an orange worm at the gravel bar where the spring
meets the river just outside the park.   Later in the morning we ran into newly graduated Matt Crismor.
The team was pretty excited to see that we had the whole river to ourselves, little did we know that
included fish.  The only other fish landed before lunch was a sunfish.
After the tough morning Russ and Matt headed home and the three remaining had a decision to make
over lunch, do we head further downstream or go into the park?   Since we knew there were fish in the
park (the sign said they had stocked 350), that’s where we went.   Glenn quickly had a trout on the line,
but didn’t fight the fish thinking “I have to get it on the reel”, it quickly dove into the weeds and got off.
Sid, if you read this, that’s two! After that it went silent again until the intense thunder and lightning
rolled in about 2:30.   As we were leaving the park and the deluge of rain hit, we were glad we didn’t
head downstream.
Don, Bob and Glenn headed to Missouri pizza, which luckily has a wood burning oven, as our pizzas were
cooking the power went off for most of St. James.   We ate in the dark, then headed home for an early
evening, ready to fight another day (actually Monday for a few).

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