Trips: Back to Back

I just returned from a weeklong trip with Matt McClure in Colorado and before I could wash my clothes, I was back on the water again for back-to-back graduation trips. Several of our guys approached me with the same concern. “Kenny are you OK you look exhausted!?”.  Yes, I was “spent” as we say about the mayfly adults when they are “done” with their business. BUT, as Eric Liddell, the Olympic runner once said (and I am changing his wording to fit my situation), “I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me a good fly fisher. And when I fish, I feel His pleasure!”.  So yes, I was exhausted but when I teach and graduate our guys I am in my element – I feel His pleasure!

So, with that said I had the pleasure to graduate two more from our FATC fly fishing class, Bill Keenum and Bob Trigg. First in the barrel was Bill as he was joined by Jim Craig, Paul Schneider, Steve Baker, Sid Aslin, and me (Kenny). We even ran into Bob Aslin at lunchtime. Bill did great and had something to prove as his son, Keeton, graduated with flying colors two weeks before. As always Bill and I went to the boulder area to work on casting and fly-fishing techniques.  He answered all the questions Kenny fired at him and we saw a few mayfly nymphs as we turned over a few rocks in the river. After just two casts I knew Bill had done this before and we went right into the techniques portion of the graduation.  Bill caught several fish before lunch which took the pressure off. Graduation complete! After lunch Bill and Kenny worked from the spring down in the fly-fishing area.  I think Bill enjoyed himself and he and Keeton will be fishing together soon.

A big thanks to Jim who took the time to mentor Paul Schneider in the morning. Paul had not been out in awhile and requested some “help”. Of course, he embarrassed Jim by catching four to Jim’s one before lunch. “Paul, that’s not the way to show off a mentor!” But all had a great day. Mexican food/fellowship dinner in Salem and then Kenny got a room for the night to do it again the next morning with Bob Trigg.

Bob Trigg arrived Thursday night and shared a room with Kenny who fell asleep before 9pm – exhausted.  On Friday morning Bob and Kenny headed to Montauk to meet Mike Oldani, Bill Byington, Don Varner, Glenn Haake, Dan Staggenborg, and Bill Cotner. Bob and Kenny headed to the boulder area and Bob was drilled with questions to complete his graduation.  Stripping, swinging, high sticking and more brought a couple trout to the net for Bob before lunch. Bob did great and was ready to go upstream and fish the waters in the fly-fishing area.  Bob caught more trout throughout the day and seemed to enjoy ever second.  The rest of the guys did great too. A myriad of flies was used. When the fish turned in the afternoon, the guys were catching, and everyone talked of a great day of fishing.

Again, we had fellowship dinner at a Mexican restaurant but this time in Licking, Missouri.  I think I am done eating Mexican food for awhile but never done enjoying bringing new guys into the FATC!

One Response

  • One of the best decisions I have ever made is to join FATC. Kenny, Stag, Mike, Bill, Don, Bill, Glenn-A HUGE thank you for making it a GREAT day. Man you guys are the best.

    And thank you Sensei-I know you were exhausted, but you gave me 100%. Learned a TON Get some rest.


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