Trips: Back at Bennett Spring

Here’s a trip report from Larry Farrar on his trip to Bennett Spring:  After a “too long” sabbatical,  we (Larry Farrar and myself a “distant FATC member in Atlanta”) managed to make our way back to Bennett Springs for our annual fall pilgrimage.  The river looked enticing but a bit low with clear water and a bit of moss covering much of the stream rock surface.  Not to be discouraged, we saw plenty of fish of which many over the course of 2 ½ days found a great way to commit attempted suicide using our flies.

We did not encounter crowded conditions, thus later in the evening we had large sections of the river to ourselves.  This allowed for some exceptional vocal applauding when we frequently doubled up on “fish on the line”.  The winner patterns of the trip were hands down, the Pheasant Tail nymph (generally smaller in the size 18 range), and a small dark scud that Larry jealously guarded so that the writer never truly got a good glimpse of it (dark gray dubbing).  I’ll go with his explanation however as he seriously “whacked” some nice sized rainbows.

Overall Bennett fished very well and as always we have a few new amusing and funny episodes to add to our Bennett fishing log.

Larry Farrar

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