Trips: Another Graduate on a Great Day to Fish

Kenny had another graduate, Ed Ouimette, ready to go into the “barrel” to graduate from the 2022 winter fly fishing class. Joining Ed for his graduation was Don Varner, Denny Garner, Bob Hassett, and Charlie Trankler. Charlie was already at the park fishing the weekend, but the others drove up for the Monday celebration.

The park was empty for fly fishers. Maybe it was the forecast of rain (that didn’t happen) that scared many away or maybe it was that Spring break is now over. But whatever it was we were incredibly pleased. Give it another month and the parks will be filled for the rest of the summer. But we will take it for now!

All the guys spread out through the fly only areas as Kenny and Ed headed out to practice techniques until lunch. Most did very well in the morning especially Charlie and Don who picked up many nice fat rainbows. Ed had a couple of misses but was determined to put one in the net before lunch. Most of the fish came on flies like egg patterns, midges, perdigons, and crane fly larva (mop flies).

After lunch Ed and Kenny hit the beginning of the Current River and fished down until the boulder. Ed got his first (and unfortunately only fish in the net) but he was extremely excited (see picture).Ed had several on but could not keep them hooked. I am sure he will get better and better as time goes on. The others all had around ten fish or more for an enjoyable day on the water. At the close of the day Don said he had over twenty rainbows – one of his best days ever.

Although Charlie had to leave early the rest of the gang decided to hit Hicks BBQ in Cuba for dinner. Most were home in time to watch the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship. And if you went to bed early you missed one impressive game! As summer approaches we will be thinking more about fishing outside the parks so hone your skills now. You have to step up your game to fish the rivers of Missouri.

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