Trips: Another Graduate Complete

On “Columbus Day” about eight FATC members joined John Mills on his graduation day from the Spring fly fishing class. As Kenny took John out on the river the rest, Bill Byington, Al Blair, Sid Aslin, Don Varner, Bill Lowry, and Bill Cotner, headed to all areas of Montauk State park.  The weather started out cloudy and windy but settled down after lunch.

John practiced his casting and several techniques before lunch near the “Boulder” and then started at the top of the river in the afternoon. John netted a couple of trout by dead drifting nymphs and worked of his “setting techniques”.  The others on the trip all caught fish this day with good reports from the following flies: midges, nymphs, cracklebacks, woolybuggers, soft hackles and few more.

The ““number”” of hatches are dwindling as winter approaches – expect for midges. Midges hatch all year round so be ready. But remember that pertains to hatches.  Remember the larva and nymphs of our aquatic insects are always around so there may be “fewer” adult hatches of aquatic insects but the larva and nymphs are still in the river. So maybe less dry fly fishing and more nymphing?

Catch and release season starts Friday, November 13th!!

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