Trips: An Extended Trip!

This week the FATC had an “extended trip” as several members rented “our FATC cabin” near Montauk State Park and fished Tuesday through Thursday. They then met up with the guys coming down for another graduation trip on Thursday. So, in a nutshell there was a lot of fishing going on.

The guys that came down early fished Montauk Park and outside the park on the Current River. They were very successful, and several had the opportunity to learn about the fishing on the Current River – Tan Vat and Below the Cable. The others that showed up on Thursday were there to participate in the “graduation” of Steve Votava from the Winter fly fishing class. So, members that fished were Steve Baker, Vernon Preston, Jim Craig, Kenny Klimes, Christopher Beahm, Ken Welton, and new member Steve Votava.

Steve Votava was “in the barrel” to complete the Winter fly fishing class on this day. Steve and Kenny practiced the techniques Steve learned in class while the rest fished from the Spring down to the boulder area before lunch. At lunch of course the talk was what was working and what was not. It seems during the past three weeks or, so the fishing was better in the afternoon hours vice the morning. Now that the water is “warming” up the trout ought to get their get metabolism in gear and put on the feed bag. I have to admit the fishing has been tough as of late. Probably for two reasons – one, the water is still cold (under 55 degrees) and the number of fish stocked has been reduced drastically. The Bennett Spring hatchery is shut down for repairs, so the Montauk hatchery is supplying them with trout too. I think they are now stocking less than 2 fish per trout tag purchased. But the fishing outside the park (Current River) is producing some big trout but not in numbers.

Steve did well for his graduation as he netted a few and lost a few. His biggest fish of the day he lost right at the net – ouch. But as he said, he learned a lot and needs to learn more. So, he will be back on the water again, I am sure. Steve voted for Mexican food in Salem (slowly becoming a favorite place). There were only four of us for dinner as the others who were there for several days had to get home by Thursday afternoon.

We will have a week break from graduations since I am headed to Montana to fish with Matt McClure and his cousin. Should be a great trip so please don’t bother me – just kidding. I will answer your emails – maybe. Tight lines!!

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