Trips: A Montauk Report

Fishing report Montauk July 22, 2022

I took a friend , Rick that has been mentoring me in men’s leadership fishing. We had been wanting to fish together for some time, but with our “busy retired live styles” of helping to raise adult children and grandchildren other things have just gotten in the way! I had told him I will supply him with all the fly fishing stuff he needed he just needed to wear a pair of tennis the shoes and swim trunks and I can introduce him to fly fishing as he had never been to Montauk before!

At the last minute he changed his mind and decided to bait fish so when I loaded his stuff in my car including a stool it reminded me of the scene on my favorite movie  A River Runs Through It where the 2 brothers are forced to take the “pain in the rear” brother in law fishing with them and he showed up late, hung over and with fishing worms! 

I fished with him in the morning in the “social hole area” and got a really nice one to the net without realizing that he had been standing behind me watching me use my Ginger colored wooly bugger and he was a lot more excited about it than me! We then stopped for lunch.

After lunch  (at Dan’s table) Rick was out of worms and decided to walk to the lodge to purchase more. I tried to get him to take my car, but he declined my offer, but did take my suggestion of taking his fishing pole with him as I set out for the fly-fishing area after we agreed to meet back at 7! 

I found the park mostly empty and managed to entice sixteen trout to take my flies during the day and yes all on wooly buggers!  I was only “encroached” once by rookie fishermen trying to take over where I was fishing and I just moved on so perhaps “you can teach an old dog a new trick”!

When we met back Rick told me he did not realize it was as far to the lodge, but was glad he had taken his pole as he had gotten 5 fish in using a net I had brought for him and told me next time he will try fly fishing!

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