Trips: A Midweek Trip to Montauk

Five brave souls decided that a mid-week fishing trip to Montauk was needed, so on Wednesday, September 20, Bob Palisch. Steve Baker, Ken Welter, Bob Hassett and Ryan Young met at the park-n-ride lot in Eureka at 6:15 and headed out.

Driving down and talking we were met with clouds, and even though the weather Tuesday showed rain late in the day, we ran into
rain on the way down. Upon arriving and getting ready to fish we were met with on and off rain, which we thought would really help out with the bite. Boy, were we wrong!

The morning bite was slow, we could see fish but they didn’t really seem to want to eat. Maybe the rains washed a lot of food into the water and the fish were already full, or they didn’t like what we were giving them. At lunch by the naturalist cabin some said that they did catch fish so shared what they caught them on, but all agreed that the bite was slow in the morning. After lunch the rain slowed and stopped, and the bite increased. By the end of the day there were a number of fish caught on a headlight caddis, cerise worm, mop fly, zebra midge, HOP, Y2K, pedigon, and a hare’s ear. It seemed that most took a page from Jim Craig’s book and went to a 6x or 7x tippet which seemed to help. By the end of the day everyone had netted fish and one of the members liked the water so much that he took a swim – TWICE!

We fished until 5:00 and decided that, since Ryan is a new FATC member and this was his first trip we needed to introduce him to American Taco in Rolla. Quick service and always a good meal! Everyone got back to the Eureka lot around 9:20 and decided that it was a successful day – and always a great time with the FATC gang.

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