When you fly fish, you understand that tough days are still good days. Have you ever fly fished in an “ugly” place – I think not. Five FATC members headed down to Salem, MO to fish the Current river – Miles Meyer, Bill Lowry, Jim Craig, Sid Aslin and Kenny Klimes. It was a difficult decision for all to decide exactly where they wanted to fish – in the park, below the cable, Tan Vat or Baptist camp?? Decisions, decisions….. Sid decided to fish in the park in the morning and the others went for the challenge to fish below the cable. Sid did well and the others worked hard for the few fish they brought to the net. The guys below the cable fished all the way to the “rock garden” and returned for lunch to talk about their adventure. Then all decided to fish Tan Vat in the afternoon. Fishing was tough there too, with low, clear water. The best flies of the day were the midges, RS2, and scuds. It seems the clearer the water the smaller the flies. We need a little rain to bring up the water levels and color up the water. The fish are there, we saw them, but they are very spooky with the clear water. Overall, the winter fishing has been good – warmer than normal temps so let’s get out there. There are many trips on the calendar. If you have a desire to go on a certain day, please put it on our calendar and guys will join you. Don’t wait!